Monday, January 5, 2015

..time for everything..

Day 5
Waiting for anything should not last a lifetime. But, what do we do while waiting?

Yesterday I wrote about trees bearing the winter while waiting for spring. But while waiting, it is nearly impossible to see the internal cellular processes trees endure during the cold months. We know that trees do not die during the winter although they appear to be lifeless. So this tells me that life goes on even while awaiting the change of a season.

I have lived in several cities where the residents withstand a winter while looking forward to the change of season promised by the spring. But while I’ve gotten used to the cold, every year during the winter I feel that my enthusiasm to participate in activities escapes me. It's like I would rather hibernate. As though the cold robs me of motivation.

But it doesn’t take long living in a city acclimated to winter to realize that life goes on during the cold months. People go on with their lives as during any other season. Bad weather does not hold them back. Their routines are not interrupted. Daily life continues. They jog. They work. They go grocery shopping. Etc. Winter does not paralyze nor surprise them because they know that each year the cold will come again.

The reality of life is that seasons change. So if our lives are marked by seasons, how come we resist changes when they grow near? No season is permanent. Every season in our life is nothing more and nothing less than a visit marked with a beginning and an end.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 insists "There is time for everything, and a season for every activity under heavens." I think this serves as a warning to the changes that we should accept in life. We are called to live waiting for the next seasonal change.

I encourage you not to be surprised by the changes this year promises to bring. Know that changes will come. Accept them. Embrace them. Do not be put off-guard by seasonal changes in your life.

Finally, if we recognize that there is time for everything, then why not enjoy the charm of each season in our lives?