Thursday, January 8, 2015 mile marker 7..

Day 7: No mile marker.
I’ve been writing in reference to my walks in the Winton Woods park for the past week. Every day until now has represented a meditation and a blog post about some aspect of symbolism related to our walk through life.

In preparation for each post, I decided to take pictures of all the mile markers that are correlated with the number of day of the year. My goal was to write ten entries, one for each tenth of a mile. The given day I went in search of the mile markers, I realized that the path has no mile marker 0.7.

Then I thought sometimes in life there is no mile marker 0.7.

Not finding mile marker 0.7, I thought it was unbelievable that I had never noticed!

I've walked this path so many times that I could walk it on autopilot. If I could do it every round would be exactly the same! But thank God who fixates my sight and thinking in different details and aspects of the walk, which allow me to meditate on them. On this occasion I had no choice but to meditate on the famous marker 0.7.

Since I did not manage to find marker, in a matter of seconds I started brainstorming how I could recreate it? How could I engineer a marker 0.7? Afterall, I wanted the picture for the blog entry ..

So then I thought this happens in life. And this is what I concluded:
  1. Many times we want and seek signs in life. But the signs don’t always present themselves.
  2. We don’t realize that a sign is missing until we go in search of it. It was not until I set out to find the mile marker that I realized it didn’t exist. 

Then I asked myself: what to do when this happens to us?

I stopped to think that many times we should recall past signs. In this case I was certain that I saw mile marker 0.6.

But it’s not enough to just take a look back. We should also keep in mind that we will find new signals ahead. In this case I was sure I would see mile marker 0.8.

I don’t know what signs you would have liked to find in your current walk, but I dare say it is not time to stop walking.

One of the verses that encourages during times of uncertainty is Psalm 32.8:
The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.” 
This makes me think that our confidence should not be in the signs, or the path itself. Instead it reminds us that the designer/owner of the path wants to guide us and will bring advice at the right time.

So keep walking! Do not stop! You may need to recall past signs. And by doing so, take courage and trust the advice of the one who orders your pathway.

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