Day 8 |
In the beginning, God affirmed, "It is not good for the
man to be alone." These are words that have resonated for ever and ever...
Sermons often cite them and even singles use them as a reason, excuse,
explanation, and justification to commit to a partner.
It is essential to accept the fact that God provided an
alternative to loneliness. But I would be the first to recognize the great
challenge it is to match find good company.
Going through different seasons in my life, more often than
no I grow frustrated rather than being comforted by those words due to not
finding people with whom to share my seasons. Although there are many people
with whom to share our walk in life, it is difficult to coincide with people
who share the same season in which we find ourselves.
I thought for a while in seasons where I've been discouraged.
And to my good fortune, I could remember specific people who encouraged me. I
remember the people who came to my rescue were living in far advanced seasons
compared to me.
Then I considered that while even when sharing the same walk
we need people who are going through different seasons compared to ours.
Walking with company welcomes help. I think for this the
reason we read the following in Ecclesiastes 4.9-12: " Two
people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed [...]Three
are even better, because a triple-braided cord is not easily broken."
In the same line of thought, it is necessary to be aware
that the quality of people with which we walk with is just as important. The
Bible reminds us that walking among wise people keeps us on track. But we are
also warned that walking with foolish people brings its consequences.
Proverbs 13.20: Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.
If you took inventory of the people who are part of your
current life experiences, where would you say you are headed?
One of the many times that God called to trial the people of
Israel for their bad ways, He asks the following question:
Amos 3.3: Can two people walk together without agreeing on the direction?
It was like saying "you walk with people who lead you
to destruction because you accept it and do not object to it!"
I think this question challenges us to take responsibility
for the steps we take in life and recognize that no one is forcing us to walk. We
decide to walk with the good, the bad, or the ugly because we agree to do so! Period!